Monday, March 4, 2013

Quarter-Life Crisis of a College Senior

Seven weeks until graduation. Seven. Weeks.

Then, it's all real. Right down to that shiny, hard diploma and that terrifying job search I've been attempting to start for the past six months. Don't get me wrong I love my family, but even the thought of having to move back home with my parents has me feeling like a cat climbing a tree with the inevitable fortune of being dragged back down from my powerful perch. The untethered freedom of the past four years seems a little less feasible and finding my own way a perfectly daunting adventure.

Part of me wants to drop everything and literally run to another country for a year or two.  Work my way from place to place and become completely lost in another culture - but I fear this would only be to escape reality which I guess is counter-productive to the whole "starting your life" thing.

Here I will complain/vent/rant/divulge all of my twenty-something woes and joys.

I hope you enjoy/laugh/cry and share in the pain and happiness that is about to be the last two months of my college career.

Spring break is a week away and I am legitimately concerned about what is about to go down on my trip to Destin - Seven college seniors on their LAST SPRING BREAK. EVER.  I'll keep you posted but you may not want to know.

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